William is currently working as a Visual Effects Artist at Wētā FX in Motion Capture. He's under employment at their Melbourne Hub, where he received his first professional credits on Avatar: the Way of Water.
This image remains the intellectual property of Wētā FX, Disney Studios and its affiliations.
Drama | 12m | 2022
Frisky is an authentically queer and heartfelt New Zealand story of a reclusive farmer, Mick, and a cheeky rogue sheep with an agenda... Frisky. After a run in with an old childhood friend, Alex, Mick realizes he needs to step out of his comfort zone to and face his own obstacles in order to save his farm.
Stevie Goodwin directs this thrice adapted narrative of queer identity and New Zealand farming culture, infusing this script with themes of love, representation, and the struggles that grow from boundaries. William heads this crew as the First Assistant Director, further growing his skills as a key creative and, in particular, finding his passion in the role of a 1st A.D.
After facing countless hurdles with Covid-19 during their graduate year of university, team Frisky is finally ready to be able to share their story with an audience 2 years down the line, and have been very blessed to work with such a steadfast and talented crew.
Stevie Goodwin
Health & Safety Management
Production Scheduling & On-set Coordination
Production Culture Maintenance & Support
Calling All Spirits
Horror/Comedy | 4m | 2021
A Massey University student collaboration, this short blends the genre of horror and comedy to tell the story of Melanie and her attempted connections with the occult. Humour entails as Sandy, her room-mate, consistently interrupts these endeavours, breaking the connections and resulting in a climactic yet unfortunate demise.
William worked alongside writers, producers and an on-set crew to step into the directorial role, where he connected and collaborated with actors to deliver a strong and immersive visual story. William wanted to exaggerate the satire element of this script, and keep the tone lighthearted with the underlying intent of humor in the performances.
Kelly Carlson, Tahlia Conrad-Hinga
William Murton
VFX and Editorial Development
Furthered Proficiency in Directorial Skills
Pre-Production and Ideation Processes
Drama Short | 9m | 2020
This VFX heavy short film set in a futuristic Wellington was produced by a collection of second and third year Massey University students. The story features a victim of sex trafficking who is trying to get herself out of the profession, turning to kidnapping as a way of replacing her position in the brothel.
Here, William worked as a visual effects artist, focussing on rotoscoping, colouring and key-framing animations. He also gave assistance in on-set production within various production roles as he was finding his place in production set-culture.
Isabelle Kushman, Reina Stephens
Nicolette Hurnen
Jonathan King - Production Supervisor
Students Picked Up by
A24 Productions
Massey University - Exposure Exhibition